Presseamt der
in Tübingen

Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmazy


Fakultaet fuer Chemie and Pharmazie
Keplerstr. 17
D-72076 Tuebingen
Tel. Nr.: 49-7071-29-72920
Fax Nr.: 49-7071-29-6413
WWW : Fakultaet fuer Chemie and Pharmazie


Chemistry in Germany was first studied only by students of medicine and pharmacy. The first Faculty for Natural Sciences in Germany was founded in the University of Tuebingen in 1863. In this Faculty chemistry was studied as a distinct scientific discipline.
The Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy offers the study of chemistry, biochemistry and pharmacy. Chemistry studies were begun in Tuebingen by C.G. Gmelin, first professor of chemistry and pharmacy in the University. His laboratory was in the former kitchen of the Hohentuebingen castle. Tuebingen chemist Lothar Meyer (1830-95) was one of the founders of the Periodic Table of Elements.

Teaching Staff

Forty-six professorships comprise the Faculty for Chemistry and Pharmacy, as follows:

Inorganic Chemistry 7
Organic Chemistry 12
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry 8
Physiological Chemistry 9
Chemical Plant Physiology 3
Pharmacy 7

Ninety-seven research assistants are also active.


More than 1,700 students are studying in the Faculty. Three hundred doctoral students are engaged in study and research.


The Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy offers four degrees:
Promotion for the doctoral degree is possible in all three disciplines of the Faculty: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmacy.

Current Areas of Research

Highly advanced and competitive research is conducted in all fields of chemistry and biochemistry. Major areas of research include:

Most of the Faculty's research facilities are located on the university's Morgenstelle science campus. These research facilities are equipped with modern technology and instruments. The Faculty's research in chemistry has been rated as the most efficient in Germany.

Library and Computer Facilities

The university library has a branch library on the north campus. This branch library is near the Faculty½s research facilities. It offers an excellent selection of journals necessary for cooperative research in the natural sciences.
All research facilities have on-line computer connections to computer networks and world-wide data bases.

Research Funding

Research is funded by grants from several sources, including:

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Deutsches Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie, Fonds der Chemischen Industrie, Volkswagenstiftung, European Community, Schwerpunktforschung.

Several doctoral students and post-doctoral students obtain stipends from these institutions and from the Deutsche Akademische Auslandsdienst (DAAD).

Conferences, Symposia and Continuing Education

Members of the Faculty have organized several important international conferences and symposia. These include:

Twentieth European Peptide Symposium (1988), International Workshop on Orobanche Research (1989), Sixth International Symposium on Synthetic Membranes in Science and Industry (1989, 1994), International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals (1990), Third International Symposium on Chiral Discrimination (1992).

Members of the Faculty also offer regular courses for continuing education in advanced studies. These courses focus on developments in applied analytical and synthetic techniques.

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